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Copyright Parthian Systems

This website has been developed by Parthian Systems (PS). PS retains copyright over the design, code and concepts.


Peter Heyes created the structure, layout and most of the content, transcribed the paper recording forms into the database and wrote the Archaeology, Church, Family Names, Geophysical Survey, History and LiDAR sections. Neil Hooper provided many of the gravestone photographs and the History section was adapted from his work; Alison Brown provided some photographs; the Church section was adapted from work by Gordon Stark who also provided the information on Agnes Morrison; Fran Gillespie created the texts for the Yew Tree and the War Memorial:  Clare Thomas wrote the Survey text.

Peter Heyes manages the website.

Breadalbane Development Trust provided no part of the content nor contributed to the creation of the Fortingall’s Roots / Fortingall Graveyard website.

Mapping data is derived from Open Street Map.

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